

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Let's Improve Our Vocabularies

New vocabularies

1. Everything went like clockwork : semua berjalan dgn lancar.

2. As far as i’m concerned : menurut saya sendiri

3. Weekend’s trip : liburan akhir pekan

4. Seaside : pesisir pantai, tepi pantai

5. Referee : wasit (ref)

6. It really gets up my nose : ini sgt menjengkelkan/mengesalkan ku

7. Tight game : pertandingan yang ketat/berimbang

8. Side : pihak, kubu, sisi.

9. Through : melalui, lolos

10. To be fouled : dicurangi, dijatuhkan

11. Fullback : gelandang belakang

12. To play dirty : bermain kasar, kotor, curang

13. You’ve done a fantastic job = you’ve done a very good job

14. To read through : membaca sampai tuntas

15. To modest : merendahkan diri

16. To offer : menawarkan

17. Stick at (sth) : terus melakukan sesuatu, meskipun berat/sulit. Ex : stick at it and you can be the same

18. No wonder : tidak mengherankan, pantas saja

19. You look really chic : kamu kelihatan modis

20. Delegation : perutusan, delegasi

21. Off to : pergi (where are you off to ?)

22. Town hall : balai kota

23. Outfit : pakaian (that outfit really suits you)

24. To look my best : tampil sempurna, tampil istimewa ( i want to look my best for all my friends)

25. Let’s go for spin : ayo pegi jalan2 (raun dgn kendaraan sebentuk refreshing)